Child Care Centres by Name Search

If you are searching for a specific child care centre, please enter all or part of its name in the text box below. Leave the text box blank if you wish to see a list of all child care centres in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Information provided includes name, community, contact information, whether the centre is participating in the Operating Grant Program (OGP), and a link to obtain more details for that specific centre. The table is sorted alphabetically by name, but you can choose to sort by community by clicking on the word Community at the top of that column. It will sort in descending order; if you want to sort in ascending order, click on the word Community a second time.

Effective January 1, 2023, the OGP requires participating regulated child care services (child care centres and family child care homes) to lower their rates to $10 per day for Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers and Full-Day School-Age children. Child care services participating in the OGP are not permitted to surcharge parents above this rate. The Provincial Government provides an operating grant to these centres to compensate for lost revenue, based on average market rates for parent fees. Further information on the Operating Grant Program can be found using the "Operating Grant Program" quick link in the sidebar.

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